What was the core differentiating element in case of Magento is that it gave a single platform to the business houses to sell their products or services with ease. Testing, learning and correcting are the three important elements which always play a vital role in the development process. In the previous episode we had discussed the old version of Magento 1 and the problems practically being faced by the developers with the same platform. The recent changes in Magento 2 have made this module more feasible and practical as it allows developers to add new code to the system in a structured way. When a code is added through a module in the system, the system code knows where to look for it. Let’s have a brief idea about what New Stuff has been fed in this amazing Platform. This version has made it easy to operate on all the Devices like Mobile, Tablets and Desktops. With this platform what is more appreciable is the checkout which is designed for customers to fill in all data using mobile or tablet. Checkout requirements are arranged in single page hence there would be no need for reloading another page.
Let’s begin with the New- here everything has been placed under the Apps Structure with its directory. This facilitates you to access the prime requirements for web development namely template, layout, js, and css/less files of any specific module. The repeated brain storming process of changing the codes is not required at all in Magento 2.
Layout elements:
Magento 2 is now equipped with a whole new concept of container wrapper instead of the structural block used in the previous version. Here you will be able to organize the blocks like Base layout, Theme layouts, Files Layout as you desire and it would make the development process easier by just moving the blocks around and defining the sections as you wish to put in your site and that is with- of course with the help of Visual Design editor.
Magento 2 has got its own LESS which customizes theme faster and easier and CSS with URL resolver in the theme core. Besides there is a publisher to find and publish CSS with static files placed in directory. The publisher also supports preprocessing of files being published by using some preprocessors. This mechanism gives an important benefit in the form of least page load time.
In Magento 2 there is a flexible modular frontend library. It uses a set of mixins for its base elements to smoothen frontend theme development and customization. There is no requirement of Prototypes at all as there is stable jQuery to manage your frontend library. This library is truly easy to use and accessible, highly compatible, and very responsive.
Under the hood:
- Sass/Compass
- jQuery in rwd package only
- Prototype Javascript library in core
- Additional JavaScript libraries
- CSS3
- RequireJS
- Apache 2.2 or later
- PHP 5.5.x, with PHP 5.4.11 as the minimum requirement
- MySQL 5.6
- PSR Compliance
- Install needed components via Composer
- Magento UI Library
- CSS Pre-processor
- Full page caching
- Magento performance toolkit
Improved Performance and Scalability:
The new Magento 2 comes with default indexers with more efficient updates to speed up the query performance of merchant data, such as catalog data, prices, users, stores, etc. Moreover it is also equipped with Performance toolkit which helps you create performance test scripts. The problems related to Server Load and Page Loading has almost been eliminated in Magento 2 because of Static Page Cache with HTTP accelerator technology. More than one admin users can create and edit products without the fear of data conflicts in Magento 2.
No more Prototypes:
In Magento 2, the Prototypes have been replaced with JQuery.
Reduced upgrade efforts and costs:
Installing and upgrading extensions in Magento 2 have made this platform much easier to develop an online store. The new version includes updated information on versioning policies and upgrade compatibility. While upgrading the existing version, there is an export/import functionality to export their customer records, product catalog, customer data, inventory data, and other standard records then import these into Magento 2.
Great UX:
Magento 2 can be said to be more User Friendly as the main Menu System is grouped by the mandatory functions such as Product, Marketing, Content, Reporting, and Store.
Magento 2 has come into lime light due to its new and modified features like easy to use, automatic guest checkout facility, order summary with thumbnail, an improved level of flexibility, better code quality and testing, new default theme and admin GUI. Improvisations can never end as it goes on modified as long as the human brain works.
January 27, 2016
Magento never ceases to impress me but i wonder how much development expenses would have gone up with magento2 as it has to offer so many new and better features.
eCommerce Development Company
February 1, 2016
Hello allison, The costs have gone up but not that much and like you said, new features also follow with magento2