Magento took the initiative to bring change by bringing Magento 2 ending the Magento 1 and its support to benefit the Magento store owners with Magento 2 advanced features and security aiming to empower the eCommerce industry.
But, no change can be ultimate or permanent to kill all problems, despite all the advantages and tons of improvements such as:
- Modernize web technology stack
- Improve performance and scalability
- Easy customizations
- High code quality and improved testing framework
- Cleaner installation and upgrades
- Separate business logic from presentation a user still faces many problems while developing Magento web store.
Major difference: Magento 2 with PHP7 processes 117% more orders than Magento 1
Whether you have your existing eCommerce business or willing to start from scratch, it is a must for you to understand the trend, market need, and develop a robust store using a trusted eCommerce platform like Magento. If you are non-techy and want to give life to your idea, you can hire Magento developer from a trusted Magento development company.
However, these cons are not bigger and can be solved if the right process is followed and with additional tech efforts and care. You should know those issues thoroughly and need in-depth skills to overcome the complicated procedures before developing or migrating the live store.
Also, Follow These 5 Tips to Secure Your Magento Website
"Create engaging, shoppable experiences with Magento Commerce to bring new life into your business.”
We have listed down few common Magento 2 issues and their solutions:
Experiencing below mentioned magento 2 issues with your current Magento Site?
Poor performance – Frontend or Backend
It is recorded that 98% of the customers jump to other sites or close the tab when the site loads slow results increase in bounce rate, fewer visitors and ultimately it affects in the earnings.
To kill the poor performance of your store you should have Speed optimization and performance optimization that will help you find the exact issue behind the poor performance and once you find the problem you can fix it and enjoy the solution.
Important to know: It is recorded that maximum revenue is earned by those ecommerce store owners whose website loads in max 2-3 seconds.
Do you know: M2 generates 27% more fast results than M1
Crashes or downtime
It’s always sad to hear but it happens with many store owners that their store/site gets crashed or faces downtime which results in losing the customers and business and being the store owner one cannot bear losing business.
A proper tech care and in-depth knowledge about the coding and Magento can fix this issue. You will usually experience a bug in the site that if solved can bring your site back to life.
If you are not techy you can always have a better technology partner or if your store is built-in Magento, having an expert Magento developer would be a plus point to prevent such issues.
Missing functionalities
79% of the store owners have faced a reduction in customer engagement and a high bounce rate due to missing functionalities. This could happen when there is an attack on your store or your store does not have proper maintenance and support services.
You can fix the problem by finding if the functionality is hidden or has disappeared, if disappeared you can develop the missing functionality again and have your store rollback.
You should make sure the functionality should work the same as it was before. If you are unsure of developing the one you can always have a Professional Magento developer to your side.
Complex data setup
Data is the fuel and code is the backbone of every store and business owner. When the data is not set up properly the store faces the loss of data, customer base, and loss of code could even result at the end of your business if the backup is not taken on time.
You can have your store data setup and make the complex process easy to go through following the standard data setup process to prevent any loss.
Always give extra time when you are setting up the data as the entire business depends on the data where you get business from.
“Remember Data is a new Lifeline”
Customer experience complaints –
Low visits, impression and max bounce rates are the proof of bad UI/UX which could lead your store to lose conversion by 400%.
Remember: The better your interface would be, the better visitors will feel, and as result, better sales would take place.
To fix and kill the UI/UX issues you should analyze and understand design insights, Audit usability of your store to detect the possible flaws, implement suggested changes you get after auditing, perform A/B test validate new design changes and apply the same to kill the customer’s complaints and improve customer experience.
The best step to kill customer complaints regarding the user experience is UI enhancement. You can perform UI enhancement following the standard design process and if you are uncomfortable in doing so, never compromise with your business and hire a professional designer to prevent all your future issues.
Customer payment issues –
It is the most painful part for a business owner when customer navigation was successful in drawing the customer to buy and their customer faces in paying payment or faces a problem with payment security.
It could be a Payment error, payment unsuccessful or the payment method does not accept. This could be because of a bug in the store coding or a problem with the payment gateway provider.
The easy solution operation you can take is to find and fix the bug and if you do not find the bug and everything looks fine, you should not take time in reaching out to the payment gateway provider to clear if there is any issue from their end.
Possibly you will get the solution. It is also possible that hackers might have attacked your store and bugs are unseen or hidden. If you are unable to find the solution, you can take help from the expert backend developer to get a quick solution.
Redirect problems –
Magento 302 and 301 redirect issues, 404 error or page not found are the problems experienced usually when the store is Upgraded to the latest version or when the developer has made a mistake in coding or forgot to update the URLs.
301 is permanent and 302 is a temporary redirect issue that can make you lose traffic and rankings and is harmful to SEO.
When the page or URL is asked to be updated and is deleted by the developer is could result in a 404 error page not found.
You should redirect the URL or new pages properly deleting the old URL and unwanted pages to avoid any redirect issues.
Once you can redirect the pages without making an error and keeping note of every URL, you may make fewer or No mistakes of redirection.
If you are unsure or don’t know how to fix the issues and want your SEO to be performed professionally, you can have expert advice from the best SEO company.
Caching issues –
If a page is not served from the cache the response is very low and that will lead to the page speed loading and performance on google search results negatively.
Common cache issues in Magento 2 could be:
- The full-page cache is disabled
- The page is not served from the cache
- Response time
- Magento headers
You can fix several issues easily and many need a careful approach and developer debugging. Simply enable the full page if disabled, add the page in the cache to make it serve from the cache, improve response time by searching the uncachable blocks using the following SSH commands.
cd app/design/frontend/ && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ../../..;
cd app/code && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ../..;
cd vendor && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ..;
Indexing errors –
Issues like Customer grid indexer not working, Indexer re-indexer required while running Magento 2 command. This is due to an issue in Magento 2 table which might have been corrupted in the database.
Simple solution is you can Reindex.
- Go to C:\xampp\mysql\data\mag232
- Locate customer_grid_flat.ibd table on the customer grid.
- Rename it to customer_grid_flat.ibd.old
- That’s it.
Checkout errors –
Checkout is one of the most essential parts of your website and it will hit you directly and painfully if the user experiences problems like checkout loading issues, blank page, checkout not working. These multiple reasons but one problem can lead your business to face a drastic reduction in revenue earning.
It is always a bug that is unseen from a user but always curable from the developer’s end. You can always fix the bug as soon as you are aware of the checkout issue.
- Steps you can follow to kill the issues are:
- Simplify the checkout process
- Keep the static content low
- Turn off unnecessary network code
- Do review on extensions
- Kill off unused active countries and unused active shipping methods
- Run price rules smartly
- Enable cache
To prevent such issues and bearing loss you should always be alerted and active with your store performance and do regular QA to keep your store and its navigation operations up to data to give the best user experience to your customers.
Wrap UP
Nothing is perfect. Not even the search engines. Every website and online store has a part of bugs and error which can easily be fixed if the right standards process is followed. We hope that this guide will increase your knowledge in solving the most common magento 2 issues. But, we know Magento 2 is not a cup of cake and is a complex product, If you are non-techy and want to give life to your idea, our Magento eCommerce services can recognize your eCommerce business pain points and come up with unique solutions for Turnkey Magento development, Magento migration, Magento theme development and extension, Magento extension development and integration, 3rd party integrations and Magento store promotions that increase sales.