CampSaver, founded in 2003 is now a leading online Magento store that offers a full spectrum of Camping products. The company deals with the selected, most loved and strong brands and that is why CampSaver is considered to be the most prominent online camping/mountaineering gear’s supplier in Utah. During 8 years of journey, CampSaver has made its niche in this competitive online realm!
CampSaver Store headquartered in Utah, renders a large collection of camping & hiking equipments and products. They wanted to design and develop their online store utilizing the Magento platform wherein, whole store has been fully updated with Magento enterprise version. Their range of camping products includes imperative equipments, accessories, clothing and a lot more! Magento Web development team at Hiremagentodeveloper offered them an exclusive set of customized eCommerce solutions that help them elevate business profits and engage visitors.
Key Solutions Provided In The Form Of Features:
- Magento Enterprise version
- Catalog Browsing
- MultiStore Environment
- Shop By Brand
- Wish list
- Ajax shopping cart top navigation
- Ajax Enhanced search
- Monthly Newsletter subscription
- Feature videos browsing
- Rewards points system
- Gift Certificates/Cards (Physical and Virtual)
- Category View and Purchase permissions per customer group (limited catalog access)
- Advanced admin roles and Permissions
- Automated email Marketing reminders
- Search with SOLR (alternative search engine)
- Customized Configurable Product
With CampSaver, the challenge was quite intriguing. Their previous site was not achieving CampSaver’s expectations and was increasingly seen as a hindrance to attracting traffic and converting visitors into regular customers. Our Qualified Magento Developer did a lot of thoughtful research on their Magento eCommerce specified requirements and other possibilities. It therefore engaged with Hiremagentodeveloper which has a proven track record of building high performance Magento stores. The team had accomplished every challenging task within a stipulated time. Two of the biggest challenges were to build multi stores under one platform and to deliver enterprise level eCommerce solutions for each segment, making the store more advanced!
The Outcome:
CampSaver utilized the power of Magento eCommerce platform to intensify their website. After acquiring ground breaking solutions from us, visitors found this online store more user-friendly, well organized, secure and robust. The product check-out time is quite straight forward which saves buyers’ time! As a result, CampSaver has got a plethora of admirers and buyers so far. This project was successfully accomplished in 2011; since then the owner of CampSaver is satisfied and happy with an increased number of clients.
Tasolglobal Lucy
July 25, 2015
Very Impressive writing style..
Yes agree that camp server is quite intriguing..
Magento Web development
December 17, 2015
Nice blog, Magento is a fully-integrated online shop featuring flexible product display options, mobile templates, multiple transaction options, multi-stores and multi-sites functionality, advanced user accounts and loyalty programs, product categorization and shopper filtering, configurable discount and promotion rules, plus many more functionalities.